Banks were the most expensive remittance channels, charging an average fee of 11 percent in the first quarter of 2019. Post offices were the next most expensive, at over 7 percent. Remittance fees tend to include a premium where national post offices have an exclusive partnership with a money transfer operator.

High FEES is the primary reason senders from different regions in world explore and choose cheap and secure remittance service providers or agents.

How to get benefit from money transfer business?

  • Exchange rate: Set your margin on top of exchange rate.
  • Fees: This is often a free part of initiating your transfer.
  • Transfer limits: If someone wants to transfer large amounts of money, you can set extra fee on that.
  • Payment option fee: You can set the fee for specific payment options like bank to bank transfer, cash pick up, mobile wallets, local deposit.
  • Agent setup: You can earn commission from agents on every transaction.

How to take maximum advantage from our services?

  • Our product is a secure and cost-effective which can increase the efficiency of the customers and can save their time.
  • Provide a one-stop solution for your customers which can boost your business sales.
  • You can avail different services from your nearby agent.
  • Reliable and secure system.
  • Very Easy to use, Responsive and User friendly.
  • You will have your own web and mobile app (iOS/Android) with your own brand.
  • Facilitate seamless transactions through any channel: digital and physical.
  • Your business service will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week thus round the clock revenue generation.